For me, he has done us a huge favor, and one I will be eternally grateful for. I will never be able to reciprocate this generosity he has shown, for I do not wish to meet him. I hope in my quiet mind that he can feel my gratitude and that the world smiles at him on his way.

I have spoken several times in my speeches about my donor as “a nice man” and I will now explain. I don’t know if it’s something you’ve noticed at all, or have been wondering.
In any case, it is deliberate, as it is exactly how I think of him – as my hero.

When I had just been born, my parents made a children’s book for me. It was a book that was about their struggle to get ME. A book explaining why and how I had come to the world in this way. It was a happy book that we often read as a bedtime story throughout my childhood, and in this particular book was the first time I heard about “him” my donor. 
The book says, “a man whom Mom and Dad do not know would gladly help, and he gave sperm enough to come on Mother’s eggs. And soon Mom was pregnant.

This small phrase should prove to be of great importance. For me he has always been the kind man who helped us when we really needed help.  

And Now there is probably someone who sits and thinks “Well He has got money for it! It’s not unselfish at all. He probably did it just for the money “To yo

u I will say; Yes, but what does it change? I
think it is wonderful and very appropriate that he has been compensated for the time he spent on donor his semen.
It is not something that just takes 2 minutes, there is a long process of approvals and screening.
To give something as precious as his own semen, to a stranger couple whose greatest desire was to have a child. It is in my eyes charity.

For me He has done us a giant service, and one I will be eternally grateful for. I will never be able to repay this generosity he has shown, for I do not want to meet him. I hope in my quiet mind that he can feel my gratitude and that the world is smiling at him on his way. 

So to all you sperm donors, anonymous as open, it’s a huge gift in the donor and in deserves THANKS! Whatever The motivation was, it is a selflect act and an expression of great charity.  

Well but back to my children’s book I would say that I think just that this one little phrase has made that this is what I think and feel about my donor. I thi
nk the rhetoric around the donor can have a huge impact on the child relationship with him in the future. I am in any case convinced that my gratitude is reflected in the positive rhetoric that has always been about him in my family.

I hope more donor children have and in the future will get it like me. I hope the post does not enter any of the toes-it will never be my intention. I just share my thoughts and experiences in the hope that they can be of benefit to others.


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