I recently participated on The Stork and I podcast with Mel who is a SMBC. We had a lovely chat about my conception story, thoughts on donor conception in general and many other related topics. Give it a listen and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Mel runs The Stork and I and is a solo mum also known as SMBC to a 2-year-old daughter. She was 36 when she seriously started considering having a baby with a sperm donor, 37 when she first went through the IVF process and 39 when little Daisy was born.
In terms of becoming a solo mum, there is still a stigma around IVF in general and in particular women embarking on the journey without a partner. It is for this reason that Mel created The Stork and I, to provide a supportive community to support other women in the same circumstances. She explains that she is not encouraging women to choose solo motherhood, but instead offering support to those who find themselves in this situation and want to be empowered.

Introduction to the podcast

In today’s episode, I speak to Emma, 25, from Denmark who is donor-conceived. Emma was born using an anonymous donor. She has a mum and a dad and 2 sisters. She started a blog 3 years ago where she shares her thoughts and experiences on being donor-conceived. 

In this episode we cover: 

– The importance of how our children’s conception story is shared with them
– Why Emma decided to start @donorchild Instagram account
– Why it can be helpful for our children to hear their conception story from birth
– How being donor-conceived can make you feel 
– Having siblings who are not donor-conceived when you are
– The importance of honesty from the very beginning
– Why Emma hasn’t had an interest in finding more out about her donor or any potential half-siblings
– A different perspective on using an anonymous donor- Donor siblings and when and if to try to find them
– Advice for those considering solo motherhood 

You can listen to more of Mel’s podcasts on The Stork And I or follow her on Instagram the_stork_and_i