Donor Child

Emma Grønbæk

                            Welcome to my website
My name is Emma Groenbaek and I am conceived with donor sperm. I was born in Denmark in 1996 after my parents had gone through 6 years of fertility treatment. My two younger sisters are twins and were conceived with the use of ICSI without a donor. I have always known about the help my parents received to have me and want to communicate the importance of early disclosure.

My book: Donor child – a child of love

Donorchild Emma Grønbæk

My Book

Donor child

A child of love

This book contains the story of me and my families life and how we have dealt with my donor conception. I have trained as a nurse and it was during my studies it dawned on me that our experiences might benefit others; therefore this website, my Instagram @donorchild and this book.

Emma Grønbæk